Appetizing fast food furniture for a foodie’s apartment

Italian brand Seletti and Studio Job collaborated to make the UN_LIMITED EDITIONS furniture collection, which will debut at Maison & Objet in Paris.  Both the studios are known for their creativity and originality, which they have proved again. 

The Hot Dog and The Hamburger global icons of Pop food are transformed into actual furniture, and form the niche “Fast Food Furniture” collection. Open hot dog bun is the actual structure of the sofa, and it hosts an upholstered sausage acting as a beck cushion; likewise, the hamburger bun features a seat in the shape of a hamburger, a pickled cucumber as armrest, and a slice of tomato as back cushion.

READ MORE: 15 Drool-worthy food-shaped furniture pieces 

 These flashy new pieces, clearly inspired by the pop-side of the American culture, are paired with two special projects, which are the symbol of how precious limited editions can become affordable.

Artistic Director Stefano Seletti at Milan Design Week says:

But obviously I had to approach the matter my way! And my way is never a normal one…we will surely explore other typologies in the future, I think we are ready to do that but we will take all the time we need, because we will need to find the right innovative approach.

The brands previously collaborated on a collection of aluminum patio of furniture. Similarly, the UN_LIMITED EDITIONS is really incredible, just give it a look!

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The hot dog sofa

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Burger chair

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Sliced tomato cushion

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Pickel cushion

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Sliced cucumber cushion

UN_LIMITED EDITIONS by Seletti and Studio Job



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