Pine Tree Falls On Apartments

April 10, 2017


Derek McKissock

Brevard Fire Department officials look over the damage caused by the tree.

About 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, a pine tree fell on an apartment complex on Whitmire Road in Brevard, causing damage to the roof but no injuries, according to Adam Hughey, with the Brevard Fire Department.

There are eight apartments in the public housing complex. The residents of two of the apartments were displaced, according to Hughey.

"Luckily, it did not hit any electrical or gas services," he said. "It just put a large hole in the roof and did a lot of damage in the attic area, but it didn't hit anything that could be truly dangerous.

Everybody else in the complex was able to keep their power, gas and water."

Hughey said other trees around the property had recently been removed and it wasn't thought the tree that did fall would be a problem.

"The tree was rotting and the branches were dead, so the wind was able to knock it over," Hughey said.


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