Huntsville Police recognized first Blue Star compliant apartments

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The Blue Star program is a partnership between the Huntsville Police Department and local apartment complexes to "increase safety, reduce crime, and improve the quality of life for residents."

Summer Tree Apartments attended the first Blue Star training class on March 22nd.

HPD says that as part of the program, property owners are required to attend an 8 hour class explaining the Blue Star Program, what its benefits are, and how they can obtain Blue Star recognition.

Their properties then undergo inspections and site assessments by officers certified in crime prevention techniques.

Chief Mark McMurray says, "Summer Tree has worked hard to be a model for the other area complexes, and we hope to eventually have every complex in Huntsville involved in the program."

The next Blue Star training class is scheduled for August 17 at the Huntsville Police Department’s West Precinct, 2110 W. Clinton Avenue. 

There are still slots available for complexes wishing to be part of the Blue Star Program. Click here to learn more or enroll in the program.


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